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Hi :)
Is AVKORTA = Truncate, ie just chopping the last digits off?  

What does HELTAL do?  Is it some sort of "Average" or a division such as x/3 or x/2?  

Usually computer calculations work well if you avoid doing any rounding-off until the final figure. 
 Even then avoid rounding off.  Just use formatting to limit the number of figures displayed.  The 
problem with that is if you are doing "VAT Returns" or something else where 
you just truncate the number rather than rounding properly.  

In proper "rounding" the number is rounded to the nearest figure.  So ,005 or ,006 or above goes up 
to ,01.  While ,006 is obviously closer to ,01 than it is to ,00 it is not so obvious with ,005.  
With ,006 we see that 
,01 - ,006 = ,004
but with ,005 
,01 - ,005 =,005
I think it's an example of a potential "fence-post error"
,000  ,001  ,002  ,003  ,004  all round down to ,00 but 
,005  ,006  ,007  ,008  ,009  should all round up to ,01

So, i suspect that in some of those calculations.  For example; 
AVKORTA((HELTAL(K50+K51)-(K50+K51);3) = ,0066  which is getting truncated to  ,00 instead of the 
more correct rounding to  ,01  
In 1/3 calculations it is wrong.  When the result happens to be ,0000 or ,0033 the truncated answer 
is the right answer.  However that rounding might sometimes be corrected by a problem in the next 
equation if 
AVKORTA(HELTAL((K50+K51)+1)-(K50+K51);2) = ,005  then that too is getting truncated to ,00 instead 
of being properly rounded to ,01
So this 2nd equation might be mitigating against the problem of the 1st equation.  Two wrongs do 
sometimes make a right = quite the contrary of  the 'wisdom' of the common phrase.  

Unfortunately i don't really know what those equations are doing because they are in Swedish (i 
think).  So i don't really know what AVKORTA, HELTAL or OM are doing.  However, a  ,01 inaccuracy 
appearing intermittently could be explained by my above assumptions.  

If i am right then maybe this equation might be better?  


ie, just move the truncate command outside of the calculation?  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Marino / <>
Sent: Sunday, 14 July 2013, 8:11
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Visible currency rounding


I want to have visible currency rounding on an invoice template that I have made i Libre Office. I 
have this formula in the cell for currency rounding: 


But something is wrong, sometimes there is a diff of 0,01 in the sum. Perhaps there is a better 
formula for this?

My invoice looks like this, on the bottom rows: 
- Sum for all products on invoice
- Tax
- Currency rounding
- Sum to pay

Best regards,
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