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I just received the following response from directly to me.

Sending it to the list.  Wanted it on the same thread, thus the
copy-paste of his response.

On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 10:58 AM,  <> wrote:
Thank you, it was a false alarm. I used AVG 2013. The virus database was
3204/6473. I am terribly sorry if this has caused any concern. I didn't pay
attention carefully to the How To Report section on the LibreOffice website.
Used the wrong link haha. I'll refer to the security link on the website
next time. Thank you and I appreciate your understanding.


I also received the response directly to me instead of the list, with
good information.  Copy-paste again.
On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Kracked_P_P---webmaster
<> wrote:
I have heard of anti-virus packages in the past having a false positive for
a part of LO system.  But it has been maybe 6 months to a year since I have
heard of one doing this, if my memory is correct.

Yes, we need the anti-virus package name and what it states is the virus

To be honest, it could be a virus that infected the file on/by his/her
system so it would "activate" every time LO starts up, instead of the file
being download with the infection.

I know that I run anti virus on my most active systems daily automatically
so I can keep infections off my system.  I even have my Linux system run its
anti virus starting before hours midnight nightly.  With 3 drives totaling
of up to 5 TB of storage space, sometimes it does not finish till after I
have breakfast.  I keep my Windows laptops protected by Comodo Internet
Security Suite - the free version - and run other security package weekly
and/or monthly.  Windows users need all the protection they can get to stop
all of those nasties that people are getting every day or so.
Barry Smith
Secure Computer Service
c 704-497-4217

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