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Hi :)
I was joking but well played! :)  

Brucey did the famously unpatriotic song "Born on the 4th of July" which Ronald Reagan claimed to 
like despite clearly never having listened to it.  A number of big-wigs were all standing around 
practically saluting to it as though it was the USA's national anthem but once it got beyond the 
chorus-line and the meaning of the song became clearer to them there were a lot of very red-faces.  
Good ol'Ron completely oblivious to it (or doing a good poker-face)
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Girvin R. Herr <>
To: Tom Davies <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Thursday, 4 July 2013, 22:46
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice no mail client.

I stand corrected.
In case you are not joking, today, July 4th, is our Independence Day, a 
national holiday in the US.
Maybe you Brits try to forget that day, July 4, 1776. ;-)


Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think Opera uses a completely different back-end/engine.  We, the people, did benefit.  Is 
today Bruce Springsteen's birthday or something?  I'm not in the US so i don't keep up with all 
these things.  

Regards from 

Tom :)  

From: Girvin R. Herr <>
To: Tom Davies <> 
Cc: Johnny Rosenberg <>; Sajan Parikh <>; 
"" <> 
Sent: Thursday, 4 July 2013, 18:39
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice no mail client.

Correct me if I am wrong and I am not that familiar with Opera, but I 
seem to remember that Opera uses the Mozilla engine, just like Firefox 
and several other open source web browsers. So, who benefited from 
Opera's battle with MS again? We, the people, all did; which is apropos 
for the day!

Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Errr, allegedly.  I might have a few facts a bit wonky but that's the way i heard it
Regards form
Tom :)  

From: Tom Davies <>
To: Johnny Rosenberg <>; Sajan Parikh <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 July 2013, 23:38
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice no mail client.

Hi :)
It's good to hear people are using it more and more nowadays.  They won a good fight 
against IE and deserve the credit for many of the freedoms we have today to be able to choose 
Firefox, Chrome and others that kept themselves out of the  legal fight against MS but still 
profited from the results.  Top marks to anyone that does use Opera though
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Johnny Rosenberg <>
To: Sajan Parikh <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 July 2013, 11:32
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice no mail client.

2013/7/2 Sajan Parikh <>:
Opera have also just announced recently that they will be releasing a
standalone mail client as well, with Linux support.
Then I hope they will remove the built in one from the browser to make
it less bloated. I just hate those dialogues that pop up sometimes
when I close Opera, telling me that Opera needs to do something with
my email database (which
  doesn't exist anyway since I only use the web
interfaces for my email) or whatever…

Johnny Rosenberg

At the time of
announcement early builds for Windows and Macs were available and Linux was
"coming soon".

I haven't checked in a couple weeks, but there might be some progress on

Sajan Parikh
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On 07/02/2013 06:28 AM, James Knott wrote:
Hi All!
     Libreoffice will the development of mail client?
Foxmail isn't open
Many people use Thunderbird.

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