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Using OpenOffice/LibreOffice I've been building a small database with a form. I'm now at the point where I have two fields (radio button pair and date field) that are somewhat connected. When I set the radio button to "No", I should set the date field to null, and when I set the date field to non-null, I should set the radio button to "Yes".
It looks like I'll have to venture into macros to do this.  Could 
someone point me to specific current resources and hints that will help 
me achieve this?
From a language point of view, I'd prefer to write Java macros, but I 
can see the possibility that that might not be ideal for this 
situation.  Is it practical to write macros in Groovy?  Otherwise, I 
suppose I'll have to use the default, which appears to be a variant of 
From what little I can tell about how macros are used, it looks like 
macros are not parameterized.  You just get the ability to call a macro 
on an event.  I would think it would be very useful to be able to write 
a macro that is intended to take parameters, like "trigger value", 
"target field", and "target value", and that could be reused in any 
situation where a new particular value for a field needs to cause a 
particular value to be set on another field.
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