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Hi :)
My main point was that all different ways work.  

The 'best' or 'correct' way is simply whichever you choose to use, or like using, or feel 
comfortable with.  To quote The Levellers "There only one way of life, and that's your own"

That's one reason i prefer OpenSource.  It allows you to keep using your own way and doesn't keep 
forcing you to learn new ways or change radically.  (Although installing Cinnamon or Mate to stick 
with Gnome and avoid the Unity interface in Ubuntu might be a pain but at least the option is 
there, to go back to the old ways)

It's nice to have other options to explore and some might even be 'better' for a particular purpose 
but only if you are happy enough using them.  Thanks for letting me know why i prefer the options i 
do.  I hadn't thought about it but that is exactly the way i usually use images.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <>
Sent: Monday, 13 May 2013, 14:53
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] How to center a pasted drawing?

On 05/13/2013 03:23 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
"If it works. Use it" as Ensign Harry Kim said.

I usually find it's better to Anchor "to page" rather than the default "to paragraph" although 
each seems to have scenarios that suit them better than the rest and all of them are plenty good 
enough to use all the time until you start spotting which is better when.

When it's "to paragraph" the image moves around when the paragraph moves around so i find some 
pages suddenly have more images than others.  Although that is definitely an advantage sometimes.
Regards from
Tom :)
My usage is almost always to place an image on a line by itself with a 
caption below. In this context, anchor as character is perfect and seems 
to work best. Same when I want to place images in tables. The answer is 
very different when I want the image to float to the right or left of a 
paragraph of text as the text. At that point, I think that I usually 
anchor to the paragraph, but I would need to go back and check the few 
documents where that was what I wanted to do... So, Mr. Davies, your 
point is well taken.  :-) Intent surely drives how it should be anchored.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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