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Hi :)
Steve!  I think that was the trick the Docs Team mentioned!  Turn off the auto-back-ups and stuff.  
Just remember to save often and make your own back-ups.  
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Steve Edmonds <>
To: William Drago <> 
Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2013, 19:58
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] How to downgrade from 4.0.2. to 3.6.6

I have had this with EPS drawings (with/without preview) for a long 
time. For those to not cause a problem I turn off 
Options>Load/Save>General>Save auto recovery information.
Just a suggestion, you could give it a try.

On 2013-04-23 22:21, William Drago wrote:
Well, I may wait for 4.0.3 and see if that fixes anything. I did check 
the bugs list and I don't see my specific bug mentioned, but it may 
manifest itself in different ways, so maybe it will be fixed in 4.0.3.

The bug that makes LO 4 unusable for me is drawings no longer save 
when pasted into Writer (exit LO, re-open the document, and the 
drawings are gone). A significant amount of my work involves making 
drawings in LO Draw and using them in Writer documents. What I have 
been doing as a workaround is pasting screenshots of the drawings into 

Thanks for all the replies...


On 4/23/2013 4:58 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I found this link on the official website
I got there from the main website
then the trail
"Main website" - "Get involved" - "QA"

got me to

Hmm, you caught me out.  What i described is what i wish i did and i 
keep promising myself i will do next time, this time, each time but 
never quite get around to it.  Errr, well tried the 4.0.0 fairly 
early but really liked it and stuck with it.  I was going to hunt 
around the different articles published at the time to solve problems 
raised in their various lists of comments.  A few seemed so very 
trivial that it made me wonder if the commenter had ever installed 
anything before.  Sadly i didn't even get through that let alone 
helping with testing out listed bugs.  So, this time i really have 
downloaded the beta. Hopefully my good intentions wont get so 
side-tracked this time!

Regards from

Tom :)

From: Upscope <>
Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2013, 1:27

<snip />

Do you have a link to the beta versions? I have the opensuse version of
4.0.2 with latest update (yesterday) and 4.0.2 from LibreOffice 
installed. Both had same two major problems for me since my cleints now
usually send .docx documents and I do alot of table formatting with the
number formatting columns, some of it doesn't work again.

If I could get a hold of 4.0.3 and if it still has the problems I'll
report them again as bugs.

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