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I am one the persons living in a country where my main computer language is not the local (= Japanese) language.
On top of this I use 4 languages on my PC. All is working perfectly fine.

My OS is XP Prof English with Asian language support package. My PC is equipped with a Japanese keyboard, which is different from the US keyboard, because this makes working in Japanese easier. However, it should also be possible with other keyboards.
When I go for the download of LibO, I get the Japanese version offered.
I neglect this and choose "Change System, Version or Language"

There I select OS and LibO English US, because this is the multi-language version.

I use English as default language and select in the CUSTOMIZED installation additionally Japanese, German, and Dutch; I also include the GUIs in these languages.
I personally work with English GUI,  the others are for people who need to something on my PC.

When I need to switch between Latin character languages I just type in the language and only need to adjust the spell checker. (There is a little bug in 3.6.5 but not too bad; it is reported already.)
When switching to Japanese, I use a special key on my keyboard (with a non-Japanese keyboard a 
certain key combination is needed) and I can work in Japanese.
LibO allows switching word-by-word if needed.

Switching the GUI takes about 1 min. Tools / Options / Language Settings / Languages selection of the needed GUI language, OK, close LibO and start it again.
I am personally very pleased with this functionality of LibO.

During the installation you need to unfortunately to understand the local language. The installation wizard starts only with the local language. To choose the installation wizard language could be an enhancement for people who don't speak the local language.
I wrote this contribution because the equivalent can be applied for all other non-latin character 

On 2013-03-11 20:57, Tom wrote:
Hi :)
There is some discussion on the translators list about which language
appears when you install LibreOffice.  If you happen to live in a country
where the dominant language is not your own then when you buy a computer
which language is the LibreOffice installer in
1.  your own language
2.  the dominant language of the country
3.  English (US)
Obviously you can change it or add different languages but you have to
understand the default language enough to be able to navigate your way
around.  Apparently in Japan it's not possible to buy a machine with
Japanese on it.  Keyboards have English as the main letter on each key but
it's rare to find one that has Japanese characters even as 2nd place.  There
are many other reasons why a person's computer might be talking a language
that is not easy or them to understand.  Here is how the Ubuntu installer
gets around the problem.  Their installer lists languages with each name
written in the language it relates to ...

My machine's "Regional settings" are set to English so i get this at first
However if i use the keyboard aroows to move down a bit then i get to Greek
like this ...
note that the installer's dialogue box increases in size to accommodate the
increase in paragraph size.

Of course it's a bit annoying for me because i only understand 1 language so
i can't read all the different names.  So if i want to install in Japanese
for one of my colleagues then i don't know the difference between Chinese,
Korean, Japanese or other ones that look similar to me  (errr, ok i cheated
and used Google translate).  I think the LibreOffice installer  might be
even better if it could have 2 columns with the 2nd column being a listing
in whichever language happens to be selected at the time.  For example in
the 1st screen-shot the columns would show (just restricting the
English     English
ελληνικά  Greek
日本人      Japanese

but in the 2nd screen-shot they would appear as
English      Αγγλικά
ελληνικά   ελληνικά
日本人       ιαπωνικά

I just wondered what other people here thought about the issue.  Also i
wondered if anyone else have to do IT Support for people whose 1st language
is different from your own?
Regards from
Tom :)

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