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Your description is my understanding. I just did a quick look on the download website and I cannot find any such information. Why are these dependencies not prominently spelled out in the System Requirements or somewhere else on the download website page?
If they were, then the users would know what is needed for what.

You haven't mentioned the age-old need of Java for the "Accessibility" options. Are these no longer dependent on Java?
Girvin Herr

Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
It's still Base and some Wizards and some Extensions. Something like 12% of the code is written in Java but it's in those areas that people rarely use. Base can mostly be used without needing Java but only if you use an external back-end rather than the in-built one. I think the Report builder still would need it but Base experts seem to be advising people to avoid that anyway. The internal back-end is HsqlDb which runs on Java even if you use the much more up-to-date version from their website as an external back-end. There are other smaller faster ones for small amounts of data. HsqlDb seems to be the best of those even though it depends on Java. Non-java ones tend to be better for large amounts of data and include Postgresql and MySql / MariaDb. These last 3 seem to be the most frequently recommended by the Base Experts. I've forwarded this to the Users List because there are quite a few Base Experts there that might be able to correct me if i'm wrong or just generally be a bit more helpful than i've been. Regards from Tom :)

From: Florian Effenberger <>
To: Sent: Monday, 11 March 2013, 13:59
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Java dependencies


I have a journalist's inquiry on Java dependencies in LibreOffice. Anyone can tell the exact 
components that do not work without Java installed in 4.0? From what I recall, Base and some 
wizards, but I'm not really up to date here...


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