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On 02/03/2013 07:58 AM, Roberta wrote:
Can you make libreoffice's interface more similar to the office 2013 one's?
Another thing... why doesn't artwork work on writer???

If LO gets too similar to MSO's user interface, then MS could take TDF to court for "infringements" to their look and feel of their office packages. Their pocked change is in the millions of dollars for legal fees to push any company away from looking too much like what they do. MS and Apple have patented things like "finger movements". The pinch and page turning movements are patented by Apple so if they wanted, they could take EVERY tablet company to court to prevent them from using it. MS has patents like that. They could claim it and take a small company to court and break that company with legal fees. MS has done that before.

I do not want LO to look like MSO. Actually I do not like MSO's ribbon look and feel. I do not like MS Win8's tablet icon style of desktop, just like I do not like Unity's look and feel for Ubuntu [kept Ubuntu but switched to MATE d.e.].

The user interface designers did a lot of work to make it easy to use and to stay away from anything that might make a different office package company fee like we "stoletheir designs".


The "artwork on Writer"? Are you talking about MSO's clipart system? Patented, I believe. If the individual clipart file are not working with Writer, well that is a different question all together. Give us an example of the file mime type [.jpg, .png, .pic, .gif, .tif, and others]
This is not finished, but on that page you will see a list of image file types that LO uses. Many of the older file types are no longer used my most of the market. I have some old Corel Draw clipart that I am converting over to other formats soLO, GIMP, and other image working package can deal with them.

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