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At 15:31 30/01/2013 -0500, Taang Zomi wrote:
I typed a space after the "fn", and typed no space after the "fn". I got the same result:
AutoText for Shortcut " not found.
Then something strange is happening for you that doesn't generally.

I'm running out of ideas.  Here's another couple of things to try:

o Open the AutoText dialogue (e.g. by pressing Ctrl+F3 as has been discussed).
o Expand the Standard group.
o Does "Formula Numbering" appear in the list (as it should)?
o If you select it, does "FN" appear in the Shortcut box (as it should)?
o If not, someone has customised your set-up and upset the facility.

o At the top of the AutoText dialogue, ensure "Display remainder of name as suggestion while typing".
o Close the AutoText dialogue.
o In the text (Writer) document, type "For".
o Does a small note window saying "Formula Numbering" appear?
o Whilst the small window is displayed, press Enter.
o Does the dummy numbered equation now appear?

Brian Barker

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