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On 01/29/2013 09:44 AM, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
On 29/01/13 14:35, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Extensions/add-ons are a great way of keeping unnecessary features out of the way of the majority users that never need certain features.

I think the generally used stats are that 80% of users know about less than 20% of features in MS Office. That's not a different 20% for each user adding up to 100% amoungst 5 users. It's more the case that if you stripped MSO down to 20% of it's features then 80% of people wouldn't notice anything missing. In terms of actual usage and from just observations and conversations with individuals i would agree with Tim about it being more like 1% of features being used 99% of the time. People tend to not use most of what they know and they don't know much. They focus on just getting the job done, not on fancy ways of doing it.
Regards from
Tom :)

+1 - and that's from many years experience as a Systems/Management Accountant in many organisations from the one-man-band to large UK-quoted companies. The same is true for VBA - I have NEVER in all my years worked in a company where VBA was used...or macros come to think of it.
Macros got a well deserved bad reputation as malware vectors in the late 90's. At that time, MSO (and probably other software) allowed unsigned macro execution by default; the behavior exploited in the late 90's. My understanding is the current practice (not just MSO) is to only allow properly signed macros to run without specific user intervention. Thus unsigned macros will not normally run when the file is given to another user limiting macros usefulness as a feature. A proper certificate is required to sign and release a file with macros to others and AFAIK this requires time and money to get from a third party.

I would expect most (vast majority) of users to not even use macros. Outside of simple macros that can be recorded writing a macro requires some programming knowledge. And most users do not have any programming skills.

Jay Lozier

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