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       IMPRESS doesn't accept videos;
           you need first make the PP -> using another program convert this
into a video -> mesh them together;
               [well, there may be another method - that's my system  ;-) ]

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Philipp Walderdorff <

As I did not get answer to my post I am sending my question here:
Here is my posting in <http://en.libreofficeforum.**
org/node/5187 <>>:

Inserting short video (mpeg2, extension *.mpg) into libreOffice impress
did work well.
I did the insert of the video by drag and drop. May be this was the course
of the problem?
Now, after inserting a video with 2 minutes length I cannot use
libreOfficeImpress any more:
When starting libreOfficeImpress the window opens, but with a blinking
window-frame, without anything inside the window. LibreOfficeImpress is
just blockt, and other screenactivities are becomming slowly.

My system: "Ubuntu precise (12.04.1 LTS)"
Memory Size: 4 GB

LibreOfficeWrite does open, I can write a letter and when I close it,
libreOfficeImpress stops also.

1. Question: What are the limits of file-amount for films?
2. Question: Where does libreOfficeImpress saves its systemdata?
As I cannot start libreOffice any more, I tried to uninstall and install
libreOffice new. Same Problem!
I tried to delete /home/philipp/.libreoffice* and uninstall and install
new. Same Problem!

Cannot use libreOffice any more!!!
Thanks for any help.

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