Hello friends,
Since my main "job" (after 30 years at IBM as a systems engineer) is running a
50-piece wind band (I would love to give a sample of it in the U.S., England, etc., etc.!)
I don't have the time to do any compiles at the moment - even though I do
feel confident I could do so. I have gone back to 3.6.4 and things with the
MySQL-Native Connector work fine there.
Regards from Salzburg (looking out the window: it's snowing cats and dogs!)
On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:49:57 +0100, Michael Manning <michaelgmanning@gmail.com> wrote:
I can confirm that the MySQL native connector will not install with Windows
7 64bit but gives the error message listed below by Heinrich. The
connector continued to work with LO3 versions.
On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Heinrich Stoellinger <hc.stoellinger@aon.at
Hello, Has somebody compiled/tested the native connector under 4.0?
For me it does work using it with, build ID:527...., running
under Debian-Wheezy. It does NOT work under Linux-Mint-Maya or
(I cannot activate it, keep getting the message
loading component library failed:
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] MySQL-Native Connector for 4.0 (continued)
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