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       Just wondering why one would use the recent-list rather than going
to the file, locating the file, then opening it  ;-)

       To me, that's the simplest way of locating documents -
            an added benefit is finding the excess that may have piled up;
as when the document was saved with a slightly different name, to enable
the original to not be changed - then these miscellaneous documents sit
forgotten using up space  ;-)

       Well, that's my 2 cents worth  ;-)

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 3:36 PM, Caesar <> wrote:

Hello all,

Re: LO 3.6.4 on Windows XP

In both Writer and Calc if one clicks on
  File - Recent Documents
they are presented with a list of up to ten of the most recently
accessed documents.  Is there anyway to increase that number to
greater than ten?


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