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Il 13/01/2013 17:15, Paolo Debortoli ha scritto:
as known, the province of Bolzano in Italy has adopted officially LO.  talking to people working 
there, they say that LO 3.5 on windows xp workstations works more quickly then msoffice, but is 
slower in opening, when they start the software.  listening to them the problem should be the 
search for updates, being that they are on protected / firewalled / blocked pcs, which show the 
window 'updates available', but doesn't allow to do anything. should the update option be  disabled 
by default or the problem mentioned in the documentation ?

Viene indicato sull'help se certi update options
Strumenti -> opzioni -> libreoffice -> update

E togli la spunta alla voce.

Io sono su linux e non ho la voce perchè gestita dal gestore applicazioni ma su windows ricordo che c'era.

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