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On 12/30/2012 04:13 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 12/30/2012 12:34 AM, Yahoo Account wrote:
I am using LO 3.6.4 in Mac OS X 10.8.2.

In Base I have a very simple, single table assets database. In a report, I am trying to calculate a grand total for all records.
I have a text field for each record in the report which has a 
calculated amount for the record (i.e. in Report Detail there is a 
field called ItemTotalValue which is bound to a function which has 
the formula [quantity]*[price]).
The report runs and shows a value for ItemTotalValue for each record 
correctly.  What I want to do is get a grand total which in effect 
accumulates ItemTotalValue for the whole report.
I have successfully created a field which accumulates the price field 
(which is in the table) but, I can't figure out how to accumulate a 
field that is created in the report (i.e. it's not in the source table).
I have created a function at the Report level called "Calculate Grand 
Total Value" which has the formula [Calculate Grand Total 
Value]+[ItemTotalValue].  I then bound a text box in the report 
footer to "Calculate Grand Total Value".  But the report footer is a 
blank.  So, "Calculate Grand Total Value" seems to be empty.  I can't 
figure out how to get it working.

P.S. I can't find any rules for posting to this list. Can any one advise where the rules are ?
Your posting of your question was what it should be: you stated your problem clearly and contained enough information for someone to answer it if they have the knowledge needed to do so. I think that you are making your report more complex than it needs to be. The secret is in the plan and design of the database. It appears that you are using the table as the source for the report. I suggest that you create a query based upon the table and then create the report based upon the query. The query contains three fields, two of which come directly from the table: quantity and price. The third field is "quantity" * "price". If you create the query in SQL View, this is the SQL that will create the query (I chose to use Table1 as the name of the table. If you use a different name for your table, replace "Table1" with your table's name in double quotes.) This query when run has the values you want for the report: a column containing the quantities for each item, a column containing the prices for the items, and a column containing of the quantity for each item times the price of each. In the report, you can use Report Builder's accumulation function to add all the products in the report footer.
     This is rather simplistic but it should get you started.

       SELECT "quanity", "price", "quanity" * "price" FROM "Table1"
Slight error in spelling and adding an alias!!!

SELECT "quantity", "price", "quantity" * "price" AS "Subtotal" FROM "Table1"


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