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On 12/30/2012 05:05 PM, Alex Thurgood wrote:
On 12/30/2012 10:11 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

Hi Ian,


Thanks Alex and Dan

I appreciate the help!! I DO have MyAdmin installed and now understand now the difference!!
Before (with HSQL) I found that using the above command - and lots and 
lots of back-ups was the only way to "try" and save my Data!! (Still 
lost lots though - hence the move to MySQL!!). With your experience Alex 
and your comments it makes me feel much happier about my DB. I'm still 
doing backups and have had no crashes, freezes or anything else in the 
first two months of using MySQL and LO Base!!
Alex - good to see you are back (Maybe away for Xmas? - hope you had a 
great time!!)
I put a follow-up message on the Forum in connection with our previous 
discussion and would GREATLY appreciate a reply if you have time.
It was on 27 Dec marked "Base Scenario"

Thanks a lot and my Best Wishes to you both and all Forum Members for 2013.

Pretoria RSA.

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