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Thank you to those who replied. I found that changing the format of the cell data did not affect the chart format, the cells were already formatted as Date. The fix is to use an XY rather than a Line chart.

At 11:06 29/12/2012 -0800, you wrote:
I do have the date column formatted as Date.
The first thing to check is probably that this is actually true. If
you formatted the column as Date but then entered data that Calc did
not recognise as dates in your locale, you may actually have text
entries there.  The easiest way to test this is (temporarily) to
change the date format to another date format: does that actually
change the display?  If the date format is operative it will; if the
entries are actually text which looks like dates, it will not.

How can I get the chart to be intelligently formatted such that
missing data points for dates are given appropriate space?
The rest of the answer probably depends crucially on exactly which
chart type you have chosen, so you will have to give more details.

I trust this helps.

What kind of chart do you use? The best for not equidistant x-values
is an XY-chart.

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