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Hi :)
Errr, have you tried reading the Sql tables directly with LO?  Base is best when used as a 
front-end for an existing back-end and i think Postgres is one that Base works particularly well 
with at the moment.  I think the Base - Postgre 
connector was at least partly developd by people from the Postgre project fairly recently (within 
the last year i think)  

If the connector lets you use the Postgre database then it should be possible to edit the tables in 
Calc dynamically without having to go through any Csv file import/export processing.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

From: Rich Shepard <>
Sent: Saturday, 22 December 2012, 1:21
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Calc: Text Columns Not Quoted When Saving .csv

On Sat, 22 Dec 2012, Brian Barker wrote:

Could you convert your empty cells to blank, output as CSV, read this into
your other program, and then - only if necessary - edit the blanks back to

  One does not 'read' the file into a SQL database such as postgres. When a
column attribute type is text SQL wants to see it quoted; when it's numeric
(INTEGER, REAL) it cannot be quoted. For the record, DATE attributes, even
in ISO format (YYYY-mm-dd) must be quoted for SQL to properly interpret it.

Can your other programs cope only with CSV files?  Not spreadsheet
document files?
  Nope. SQL wants certain formats, and R might be able to read spreadsheets
but I work with plain ASCII text files for almost everything.


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