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Thanks for the reply, Tom.

Yes, I have tried all of those and, if I have a database loaded, nothing happens and the only way I can close Libre is to use Windows Task Manager. I have now tested both Writer and Calc with existing files and they both close normally whichever route I use.
For information, the database I am using was only created in the 
previous version of Libre.
I wonder if anyone else can reproduce this fault?

On 20/12/2012 15:15, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I take it you have tried all the different ways, such as
File - Close
File - Exit
and the red cross in the corner. They should all work but if one isn't the others might help someone identify what is going wrong.
Regards from
Tom :)

    *From:* Chris Heath <>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, 19 December 2012, 20:29
    *Subject:* [libreoffice-users] Libre Office Version (Build
    ID: 2ef5aff)

    I have just upgraded to the above mentioned version running on
    Windows 7.

    When I load Libre Base with an existing database I can edit and
    save the database but Libre will not close without forcing it
    using Windows Task Manager.  No data is lost but Libre will not
    close down properly.

    This problem does not appear to occur in Writer but I have not
    tested the other windows.

    Can anyone help please?

    Chris Heath

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