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On 12/16/2012 04:52 AM, ptoye wrote:
Thanks again NoOp. But I think we're at cross-purposes here. I don't need the
paper labels - they're easily and cheaply available here in England.
That is why I mentioned "That said, the shipping + label sheets might
end up costing more than buying local Avery."

What I need is a way of getting LO and/or OO to print the labels correctly
on the page. I admit that having to use a PDF printer (CutePDF or Bullzip)
complicates the issue. But it seems odd to me that I get different results
between LO and OO, and between virtual printers.
Reset your virtual PDF printer(s) for proper A4 settings.

If on Windows I use PDFCreator:

I just tested PDFCreator, CutePDF, Acrobat Professional, LO (
export to PDF, AOO (3.4.1) export to PDF (Windows & linux for both). The
A4/L7163 PDF's are identical. I even created a PDF from MS Word 2003 to
Acrobat Professional - same results. However I did notice that printing
from the PDF resulted in all labels shifted to the left by
~1/8inch/0.125in (0.31750cm). The issue had nothing to do with LO, AOO,
Word, PDFCreator, CutePDF etc., the issue was that in Acrobat and Adobe
Reader, I needed to:

1. Set Page Scaling to 'None'
2. Turn off (untick) 'Auto Rotate and Center
2. Turn on (tick) the 'Choose paper source by PDF size

Once I did that, the printed PDF's exactly matched the print directly to
printer copies. So my initial problem was PEBCK.

As for LO: "With LO I get the same from both printers: a correctly sized
document. But the pitch is wrong: 9.2 by 3.6 cm instead of 9.9 by 3.8."

You can adjust the pitch easily in the Label|Format setup tab. The
defaults for L7163 are:
Horizontal pitch: 10.16cm
Veritical pitch: 3.81cm

I think you are referring to Width & Height:
Width: 9.91cm
Height: 3.81cm
Left margin: 0.47cm
Top margin: 1.52cm
Columns: 2
Rows: 7
Page Width: 21.00cm
Page Height: 29.70cm

From Help:
Horizontal pitch
Displays the distance between the left edges of adjacent labels or
business cards.

Vertical pitch
Displays the distance between the upper edge of a label or a business
card and the upper edge of the label or the business card directly below.

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