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Hi :)
The important thing is getting replies to the list.  Then we all get to read them.  If an 
individual is away or has reached the limit of their knowledge then others can take-over and 
respond.  Also if people have a better idea or are aware of another possibility or notice the other 
person might have been wrong then it helps to get a few different answers to sift through to see 
which is relevant to you.  A classic is when several people write at the same time and answers 
overlap.  If 2 or more are the same then you can be very confident of the answer.  

As for why mails to me are getting returned i have to say i am using a really bad email 'client' 
that stuffs things up and i am not exactly knowledgeable about how to fix things at this end.  
Sorry chap!  
Regards from
Tom :)  

From: Thomas Blasejewicz <>
Sent: Saturday, 24 November 2012, 12:27
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] messages returned

This message COULD be sent in response to my own post,
but NOT in response to Mr. Davies post.
Now that the message has been posted, it does not matter any more, but somehow I would like to 
know why ...

(2012/11/24 21:25), Thomas Blasejewicz wrote:
(Sent for the fourth time today ...
AND it bounced immediately!)

(2012/11/21 17:53), Tom Davies wrote:
Have you tried renaming your user profile? Is it possible the problem is being caused by an 

I'm not sure if it would be better to post a new bug-report and link to the old one, or just 
add a comment to say the regression appears to have reappeared.
Extension: I use mainly the same extensions on my home computer and the one in my office (would 
have to check whether there are differences)
Home computer works fine. So, likelyhood of a bug is not so high - I suspect.

Java: checked JRE this morning (had two days off here in Japan).
It was installed (1.6.037). Updated to just now.
No change.
LO crashes 100% when trying to use File -> Wizard.

Any other ideas?

Thank you.

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