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This seems to be a magic problem. It comes and goes. No chance to reproduce it. I reported a bug and learned that there was a problem reported before. No cure yet.
bug report:

On 2012-10-31 00:41, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Weird.  It 'should' automatically default to the same file-name as it's Doc/DocX or Odt file-name.  
Someone else had the same problem a few weeks ago, perhaps a month or 2.  Have you tried renaming 
your User Profile?  (the magic cure-all)
Regards from
Tom :)

From: rost52 <>
Sent: Monday, 29 October 2012, 4:18
Subject: [libreoffice-users] export to pdf does not carry over the file name of writer

When I export an LibO file (e.g. abcd.odt) to pdf, I would like that the original file name is
automatically transferred to become the pdf-file name (e.g .abcd.pdf).

At least in version this was possible for a certain while, then this functionality
disappeared and came back again. After upgrading to the file name line appears blank when
making an pdf-export.

Is this a bug?
Do I miss a setting somewhere?

As I cannot find any information in the LO documentation etc., I ask you to please give me a hint
how this can be done.

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