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Good morning Gilles & others,

Provided that I got your problem right,

I think the answer is:

SumVotes_group1 = 5,78(in Calc e.g. in cellC3)

SumVotes_group2 = 7,34(in C4)

SumVotes_group3= 0,78(in C5)

SumVotes_ group4= 0,99(in C6)

The answer could be:

a >>write following formula in(e.g.)cellD3" =IF(c3<1;0;INT(c3))"

b >>copy the formula to d4..d6

The formula translated into english:

"if value in cell c3 is /_less than_/ '1' then d3 shall be '0', else (-- if c3 is '1' or bigger then -- ) use the integer of value in c3)"

I hope this is of help.

Pertti Rönnberg

On 14.10.2012 12:20, Gilles SICHE wrote:

could anyone tell me which formula I should use for the integer part of a
cell to be shown in another cell, and for the value of this cell to be
changed, since, for example, 5,77 would become equal to 5?

When finding out who won in an election, if one group or party gets a
result of 5,28, they get 5 seats, if the result is 0,77, they get no seat
at all, I would then want the figure 5 and the figure 0 to appear in a

But I need the real value to be 5 and 0, not only to be shown as such,
since these values (0 and not 0,77) will be used in another operation (to
know which group gets the last remaining seat).

I hope my question is not too unclear, thank you for your answers anyway,

G. Siche

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