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Hi :)

Ideally, I would like to get rid of the dependency and do all the work, the web-site's 

and mine, from raw data to have timely results with better control on various parameters.

However, in the meanwhile I can try your idea. 

What are the important softwares for OCR?
I thought they come bundled only when one purchases some scanner.

My system details are given below.

Viral Orpe :)

Processor  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual Core E6600 CPU 3.00GHz
Memory     : 4GB, DDR3
OS            : Linux Mint 12 Lisa - Kernel Linux 3.0.0-13-generic (i686)
LibreOffice : LibreOffice 3.4.3  OOO340m1 (Build:302)

 From: rost52 <>
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Ambiguous Calc cell status show
Viral, I can't comment on your request with the cursor but got an idea concerning typing numbers 
displayed in a png-file into calc.
Did you consider already using an OCR SW to transfer your numbers into a copy-enabled data form?

On 14.10.2012 15:45, Viral Orpe wrote:
Hi :)

I could not find a better line for SUBJECT, sorry!

I am copying a few numbers from a website generated .png in to Calc.
These numbers are neither download_able nor copy-paste_able.
They have to be manually seen in web browser  and typed in Calc.
I typically tile the browser and Calc windows - manually, yet to find a "tile windows" option,
(but that is not my query).
I switch between  the browser and Calc for every new set of data - say every 2 minutes.

When I am inside the browser window, filling forms to request data or adjusting
the output so all numbers are seen together, the Calc window is obviously deselected.
However, the Calc cell I was last present in does NOT show any change in appearance.
It is showing that it is the selected cell but it is ignorant about whether the application
(Calc) itself is selected or not.

When I am done adjusting with browser window, I make a mental note of the number
to be transferred next. The browser window is still the selected window.
I look at the Calc window for putting in numbers. I happen to see the cell (and not the window),
and just start typing which obviously goes somewhere in dump - the browser window doesn't take
it and Calc window is not looking at it since it is not selected!

I have been doing this for a fairly looong time and this typing mistake is new to me.
On some thought I came to this conclusion that these mistakes happen/ have increased
because the cell keeps on the  same look of "being selected" or "ready" to accept data.
And I am sort of getting cheated every time (almost)!

This is a minor irritant, I agree.
Soon enough thanks to Gimp, LO draw, or Calc charts itself,  I would get rid of this inefficient,
tedious 16th century procedure. In the meanwhile, I am trying to pick-up "Alt-Tab" habit.

In any case:

Que. Shouldn't along with the Calc application window, the Calc cell somehow *show*
that it is "not active"

Viral Orpe :)
Processor  : Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual Core E6600 CPU 3.00GHz
Memory     : 4GB, DDR3
OS            : Linux Mint 12 Lisa - Kernel Linux 3.0.0-13-generic (i686)
LibreOffice : LibreOffice 3.4.3  OOO340m1 (Build:302)


   From: Rolf Lochbühler <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] function concatenate
Not sure if there's a way to do that with functions. How about this Basic macro?

Option Explicit
Public Function CONCAT( ByRef rng As Variant ) As String
      Dim i, k As Long
      CONCAT = ""
      For i = 1 To UBound( rng(), 1 )
          For k = 1 To UBound( rng(), 2 )
              CONCAT = CONCAT & rng( i, k )
          Next k
      Next i
End Function

Call it
- with a column type argument like “= CONCAT(a1:a10)” or
- with a row type argument like “= CONCAT(a1:j1)” or
- with an array type argument like “= CONCAT(a1:b5)”


Am 2012-10-11 um 22:49 schrieb yahoo-pier_andreit <>:

is there any way to have concatenate function works like sum??
they are the same function but the first with words the second with numbers
for example
=SUM(a1:a10) sum all the numbers from a1 to a10
=CONCATENATE(a1:a10) should put one after the other the words from a1 to a10 but it doesn't works
how can I have a such behaviour???
of course not =CONCATENATE(a1;a2;a3;a4;a5;a6....) :-)

thnx, :-) pier :-)

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