On Thu, 11 Oct 2012, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
That was rumour&gossip about the LSE, not information as such and i
can't verify it right now. I should make some effort to look it up
rather than claim it as fact which it clearly isn't. Usually i put
disclaimers in every unverifiable statement, such as "allegedly" or
"apparently" or some-such.
wow, grasshopper, your google-fu these days is weak!
for instance:
fair use quote:
September 8th 2008 was one of the worst days ever for the London Stock
Exchange (LSE), and high-end Windows server-based applications. That
was the day that the LSE came to a crashing stop. What happened? While
the LSE has never come clean on the whole story, my sources told me
that the LSE's Windows-based .NET TradElec stock exchange had crashed.
What we do know is that the CEO who had brought Windows and TradElec
in was fired, TradElec was dumped, and a Novell SUSE Linux-based
platform was brought in to replace it.
Today, February 14th, the LSE's Linux-based Millennium Exchange took
over and everything just worked. It did take longer to switch to Linux
than expected, because of what the LSW first called "sabotage" but
later put down to "human error" in late 2010. On its first day, out
LSE ran like a charm.
From: rost52 <bugquestcontri@online.de>
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Thursday, 11 October 2012, 13:39
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Fw: Help request on CALC charts' features
Tom, interesting information about the usage of MS at stock-exchange operations
Felmon Davis
Every silver lining has a cloud around it.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Fw: Help request on CALC charts' features (continued)
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