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On 03/10/2012 11:58, Jay Lozier wrote:
On 10/02/2012 07:19 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
Jay Lozier wrote:
>From the comments on the list, the weakest part of LO is Base. However,
my observation is most people find learning any true database daunting
and thus do not learn how to use any database. Compounding this is the
fact many MSO packages do not include Access. Many thus use a
spreadsheet as a poor man's substitute for a proper database.


I use Base as a MySQL client to access my databases, which are mostly
inventories.  I started with MS Access years ago and switched to MySQL
c. 2004, when a MySQL Open Source client (Rekall) finally appeared for
Linux.  But Rekall stopped being supported a few years later and the
version I had still had a few bugs that should have been worked on.
When Base started being a general database server client (interfaced
to MySQL, etc.) rather than that proprietary database thing that
StarOffice used (and may still do so), I looked into switching from
Rekall to Base.  Doing so was not a trivial task, since all the work I
had done on data entry forms and reports in Rekall had to be discarded
and that work redone for Base.  After recreating all my data entry
forms and reports, I got Base to work reasonably well within my
requirements.  However, the latest version (1.2.1) of Oracle Report
Builder (ORB) is a basket case.  When it doesn't crash LO, it is dog
slow at creating my reports.  Too slow to be used.  I have just this
week, downloaded an Open Source report generator program called
DataVision and got it to work on
my Slackware Linux system with MySQL.  This version, 1.2.0, is rough,
many features are not working yet and it does not seem to be supported
any more either, since this latest version is dated 2008.  However,
unlike ORB, it does do what I want a report generator to do - without
crashing and at a reasonably fast speed.  Since it is an Open Source
JAVA program using an Apache license, if any of the Base devs are
listening, I suggest they look into taking over DataVision as an
addition to Base.  Base without a report generator is like a computer
program that accepts inputs but does not output anything - useless.
Akin to Writer or Calc not printing!

Was all my database work, including learning a bit of SQL "daunting"?
Yes, I suppose it was, but it was and is a learning experience and I
don't mind learning something new.  I am not in the least a SQL
master, but I do understand it enough to get by.  If not, I hit the
books again.  There are those who can't or won't learn anything new.
For them, there is the Calc tool, which fits their hands better, but
maybe isn't quite the best tool for the job.
Girvin Herr


Most people I have talked to about databases find them less intuitive
than other typical office and general software.

Hi, I am a database user and emphasis on the word *user*. I like learning new stuff too and Base is a challenge. I want LObase to work so I will contribute feedback whenever I can but no more than that because I haven't learnt to code or programme...yet. I have a couple of questions but I will start a new thread for them.

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