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At 08:02 15/09/2012 -0400, Tim Lungstrom wrote:
I am having a problem replicating this issue with 3.5.6 64-bit DEB install on Ubuntu 10.04.
I type '123 and get 123.
Well if I type '123+234 I get the quote.
I think this makes sense.  In the first case you are entering what 
could be a number, and the (unsmart) quote mark indicates that you 
want just text.  The second case is different.  If you entered 
"123+124" (without the preceding quote), you would get that text, not 
two numbers (still less the single number 247).  So your preceding 
quote cannot be intended to suppress the interpretation as a number 
and is retained literally as part of the text.
I do have the problem with finding "Custom Quotes" as an option. There a "Localize Options" that show options for quotes though.
Apologies!  You are quite right: I was talking rubbish about where this now is.

Brian Barker

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