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Am 11.09.2012 22:34, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
I have several real old dBASE data files from 1985 that I would like to
get the data from and convert to LO Base.  I keep reading about LO being
able to access a dBASE file, but I am having trouble doing so.  I tried
the new database wizard and although it created the new Base database
structures, when I tried to open one of the dBASE files, it opens in
writer, not Base.  There are no tables listed in the new Base database.
The wizard did not allow me to select the actual files, just the
directory they are in.  It didn't list any of the ".DBF" files.  Maybe I
am asking too much of LO, but I was hoping the dBASE data would show up
in a Base table.  Any help would be appreciated.
Running: LO under Linux.
Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr

Base is a mere database frontend. It opens its own .odb files only. An 
.odb file can be connected to various types of databases.
Open Writer or Calc.
Hit F4.
Right-click "Bibliography" -> Edit Database
This loads the .odb file which is connected to the dBase Bibliography with one table named "biblio". dBase is a database in a directory, so this .odb file is connected to a directory. The status bar of that database reads: "dBase" and the path to the connected directory having the file biblio.dbf.
menu:Edit>Database lets you modify the connection parameters.

Put your own dBase in a dedicated directory.
[X] Connect to existing db
Type: dBase
Specify the directory.
Check the register option (never harms).
Save the database.
Drag the table icons from this database into the embedded HSQLDB.

Warning: embedded HSQLDB must not be used with anything important. It's OK for educational demos and for your DVD. Base works best (fast, reliably and multi-user) with HSQL as stand-alone backend database. Embedded databases are just a caricature of a database. They are slow, single-user, limited and unsafe.

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