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I find that the best anti virus suite to use is probably avast but I
have found COMODO to be superb as well it does the job that I need it to
do and I have no problems with it!

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, at 09:23 PM, anne-ology wrote:
       I too once used Norton - it was a great system;
            then I switched to AVG - ranked tops;
               when it slid below Avast!, I switched - it's been ranked
tops for the last few years now and updates daily, or more often.

       Let's see some poll results - who preferred what and why?; and now
who prefers what and why?

       Curiously wondering,

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 5:13 AM, Tom Davies <>

Hi :)
Norton used to be completely awesome.  Everything they did was totally
amazing and extremely useful.  Then they became corporate and serious.

Nowadays i use AVG or something else but still when a threat is publicised
as being particularly nasty and i suspect one of the machines i deal with
might have fallen foul of it i still find Symantec a good place to research
into it.

One of the first jobs of a threat is to knock-out or dodge all known
security so any of the big and famous antivirus' is likely to useless
against any decent threat.  Luckily most threats are fairly trivial so even
the big and famous antivirus programs can probably deal with it.  If it's
non-trivial then there is always the option to nuke your Bios and reinstall
your OS.  Still now that AVG is so famous i'm starting to consider other

Regards from
Tom :)

From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Rel. 3.6.1 and Norton AntiVirus
Date: Thursday, 30 August, 2012, 2:27

On 08/29/2012 08:21 PM, Dan wrote:
Jeff Hahn wrote:
When I try to upgrade from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 the Norton AntiVirus program
keeps deleting the upgrade as an unsafe virus. This is the first release
that I have had this type of problem with. Jeff

     To make sure I understand: Norton deletes the LO 3.6.1 download
     Otherwise, you should not have Norton running when you install the
upgrade; you should not be physically connected to the Internet either.
Disconnect from Internet, turn off anti-virus program, install LO
update, turn on anti-virus program. ONLY WHEN AV IS RUNNING should you
reconnect to the Internet.

This is not the first time I have heard of Norton stating valid install
files were viruses or other nasties.

I never had any good luck with Norton's AV, so I use the free version of
Comodo product[s] for my Windows machines.  I have hooked even PC repair
and selling pro's to using it.

As for not having AV running when not online, well that is not what I
would tell people.  An anti-virus is needed if you are offline and suddenly
there is a trojan or other nasty kicking in and doing a number.  They can
be picked up and not cleaned in a few ways other than being online.  I have
my Ubuntu system picking up new things from files that I have had on my
system for months and suddenly it detects something the AV system does not
like.  If I did not have the AV system on 24/7, then those issues might not
have been picked up.  The real thing is that the AV systems update their
data systems, mostly, after a new "nasty" has been detected.  If your
system has that "nasty" on it before that nasty has been added to your AV
data system, then you will need to have the other parts of the AV and
security system[s] on to detect the traces of it trying to work.  SO do not
turn your computer security off.

I have had to deal with too many systems from friends and clients where
they did not have their security on 24/7 and kept up-to-date.  Had one
system that the AV was on but not updated in over 2 years and the guy lost
a lot.

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