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Good evening
I recently upgraded to 3.6.
Formerly I used to have macros to highlight text and then remove the
highlight again (important during editing)
Today I noticed, that those macros were working only sometimes - when
they felt like doing so.
Fidling aroung in trying to figure out what is going on, I found:
* the second macro had been disabled.
* I get the "Java Runtime Environment" error that has been mentioned
recently on the list
* Installing a new JRE (1.7) does not work
* Going back to JRE 1.6 got rig (?) of the error, but I apparently need
to create new macros.
(this too is a really unnecessary pain in the neck)

BUT ....
there is no "Record macro" button any more!
It used to be unter Tools -> Macros
Yet, now there are only
* Run macro
* Organize macros
- greyed out (digital signature)
* Organize dialogs

The documentation says:

*When in Writer:* #Open the document for which you want to record a macro.

 1. Choose *Tools - Macros - Record Macro*.
    You see the small *Recording* dialog with just one button called
    *Stop Recording*.

So, where IS the "Record macro" button now???

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