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Hi again...
The report builder actually works just fine under my LO on
Linux Mint-Maya.

On Mon, 27 Aug 2012 22:45:57 +0200, Dan <> wrote:

Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:
g>> I have just installed LO 3.6.1-2. The good news for me is that the native
MySQL connector now works. On the other hand, I received a segfault (Linux -
Debian-Wheezy) when trying to run a report based on a MySQL/Base view.
the message was
soffice.bin[19682]: segfault at 0 ip aa224635 sp bfcf0e94 error 4 in[aa1f8000+69000]
Should I file a bug report or is the problem under "treatment" already?
By the way, performance of 3.6 is super, like a lightning...
I have followed the path all the way from StarOffice to LO. What a difference!
Another issue: PLEASE don't neglect Base. Any sizable and company and
"serious" organisation needs a database behind the scenes - not only
and the like.
Thanks and keep up the excellent work...
H. S.
      You did not mention whether you have a 32 or 64 bit version of LO
      I have a copy of a MySQL database that I tried (LO 3.6.1-2 64 bit
Debian). I created a view and then a report on the View. (This included
three tables in which it was a parent - child - grandchild relationship.) I
had no problems with the Report Builder.
      I did find something that I may file a bug report about: I could not
create a view using 3.6.1-2; I had to use 3.4.6 instead.
      (For what it is worth, using LO 3.4.6 to connect Base to MySQL is
much faster than using the embedded database from which the MySQL database
came. The native MySQL extension works well with 3.4.6 and 3.5.x as well.


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