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Hi :)
It doesn't matter which package manager you use.  They all keep track of anything done in any of 
the others by keeping 1 central database of what is on your system which each package manager then 
uses and just presents the information differently.  Possibly dpkg is a little different.  There's 
always 1 that has to be different!  Lol

The apt-get instruction was: 

sudo apt-get install synaptic

but i tend to prefer a gui front-end such as the software center.  
Regards from
Tom :)  

--- On Sat, 21/7/12, Anthony Easthope <> wrote:

From: Anthony Easthope <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Microsoft Core Fonts
Date: Saturday, 21 July, 2012, 22:41

Synaptics package manager is available from the software center or is
there a suitable "sudo get-apt install" code?

on the amount of fonts you have that's insane! that must be close to
10gb worth of them!

On Sat, 21 Jul 2012, at 05:36 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
Each version of Windows had a different set of "core" fonts.  I am a 
"font person" so I should know this.  I have over 100,000 of them in my 

Do you want to install the core fonts on  you Ubuntu system?  I run both 
10.04 and 12.04.

If you go to the Synaptic Package Manager and type in "ms core fonts", 
you get something like


That is what shows on my 10.04 system I use as my default one, which I 
am typing from here.

Install that and you get the "core" fonts that seem to be used by most 
of the Windows versions from XP to Win7.  Since I tend to have 200+ 
fonts installed on both my Windows and Ubuntu systems, I have lost track 
of the names of the current "core fonts".  There are references to them 
in lists, along with the core fonts for MacOSX, but you do not need to 
know those names and matching fonts between systems unless you do some 
font choosing in a web site's CSS theme.  I use to do that.

if you want to have your Ubuntu system include the "core" fonts that MS 
thinks you need, then install that "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" package.  
It is all you may need as far as MS is concerned.  BUT, if you really 
need some decorative fonts of specialty ones, I may have most of the 
free ones that were available as of 2-3 years back.  I really have not 
looked for many new ones lately.

On 07/21/2012 05:23 PM, Anthony Easthope wrote:

I was wondering what would be considered the core fonts on Microsoft.
After  ages fruitless searching I was wondering if anybody could help me
on what they would consider to be core fonts.
I backed up my fonts folder from windows 7 before the change to ubuntu
so I had all of them problem is I can not be bothered installing every
single one of them!

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