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       Have you checked out Gizmo's Freeware

           this is a site with a wealth of programs for any computer ...
all tested and all free  :-)

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Anthony Easthope <>wrote:

In fact your workaround could work in theory, the problem is finding a
ccleaner equivalent for debian

On Sat, 21 Jul 2012, at 11:48 PM, Anthony Easthope wrote:
Anne that work around works on windows but as the gentlemen said he was
using debian squeze which is a variation of linux. I am curious as to
why it is hanging to - by rights it should not be.

On Fri, 20 Jul 2012, at 09:15 PM, anne-ology wrote:
       If you're referring to it getting hung-up, then this has
me a few times -
           my solution is to shut it down -> clear out the caches
is good] -> re-start the computer;
               when it re-starts, OO/LO works great again.

       One of the problems with OO/LO is its immense size; if there
some way to reduce its size then this might not occur, but then it
not be as good a program as it is  ;-)

       Mine is not caused by 'calling home or anywhere' since my
only allows 'cookies', etc. which I accept and only at the time I
them; in fact, each time I've tested my machine, it's invisible to
robotic eyes  :-)

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 1:44 AM, Robert Mesibov

I'm running LibreOffice 3.4.6 OOO340m1 (Build:602) on Debian Squeeze.
The progress bar on the splash screen stops part-way during startup
about 10 seconds. During this time LO sends a request of some sort
over the
network connection (lights flash on router) every 2 seconds, 5 times
all. LO then completes startup.

This happens
- with the splash screen turned off in /etc/libreoffice/sofficerc
pause and network requesting still happen)
- when launching LO by itself, or when opening a Writer or other LO
document through a file manager
- with Java RE option on or off

With an LO document already open, there is no pause when opening a
LO document. The pause only occurs during startup.

How to stop LO from sending requests over the network on startup, so
it opens without the 10-second pause?

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