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Drew found the place.  That was the key.  We needed to find a place that 
could make the DVDs as a "print-on-demand" service, like the LO books 
for, but do it at a price that people can afford.
With shipping [USA], it is about $10 +/- per DVD, Thin Movie DVD case, 
and printed insert.
That is a good pricing, since have that is shipping and 75%+ of the rest 
is profit for TDF/LibreOffice.
Now we can finally have a place where dial-up users can get the file 
they want/need on a DVD instead of trying to use their dial-up account 
to download even the 200 MB Windows install file, plus the help pack.
I may buy one myself as a "show-piece" so I can have one on hand to show 
people what they get with their order, and where to order.
After a year working on the DVDs, 3.3 line, 3.4 line, and now 3.5 line 
[3.5.5], it all is getting in place for what the NA-DVD was created for.

On 07/20/2012 03:57 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Good work from Drew there.  Glad he had all your hardwork to build up off.
Cheers Tim & Drew  :)
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Fri, 20/7/12, webmaster-Kracked_P_P <> wrote:

From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] now can Purchase a NA-DVD
To: "LibreO - Marketing US" <>, "LibreO - Users Global" 
Cc: "" <>,, "Tom Davies" 
Date: Friday, 20 July, 2012, 15:08

Thanks to Drew, we now have a service that will "print-on-demand" a copy of the LibreOffice North 
American Community DVD - version 3.5.5.

Here is a link for a direct retail page:

Kunaki handles all the payment collection.

The DVD is $5 plus shipping, and that will give TDF/LO a donation of the profit.

Finally, you can now buy a professionally made DVD at a good price.

Drew has stated that he wants to get the purchase into an Amazon account so it can be purchased 
through them.  There are people who would rather buy things through than direct from the 
producers.  I buy many things there even though I can buy them at other sites.

Now people can buy a NA-DVD instead of downloading the ISO file.

THIS will help those who use dial-up since they would not want to spend the time downloading a 200 
MB Windows install file.

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