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       (1) Curiously wondering how timelines are done with this program -
              I've heard it's possible ... I've gone to the help-site ...
       Is it through these spreadsheets? ... or ???

       (2) could someone explain if it's time to update to this .5 over .4
- and if so, how to do so;
              I've gone to the download site ... but there's only blocks of
varying programs with no clickable download button ???

       Looking forward to learning more of this fascinating program from
this list -
           you all sound to be quite knowledgeable,

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Milos Sramek <>wrote:

is it a bug or not?

1. I open an xls file with a sheet with cells protected by a password
2. I save it in odf format - no messages, works without problems
3. I open the new odf file and want to save it in xls. LO requires change
of the password (without asking for the original one)

Is it OK that LO asks for the password change when saving from odf to xls
but not when saving from odf to xls?
What do you think?

(according to the help it is ok that LO can change the password, I am
asking only about the different behavior in  similar situations)


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