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On 05/25/2012 05:55 PM, Wanda Moore wrote:
I use the right click menu or edit in the toolbar.  I've never used styles
or templates, as I don't really understand them, and just want to be able
to take notes and write things down for myself and my kids.  (I homeschool,
so I'm always writing something and printing them out.)

I have LO 3.4.4 and Mac OS X  10.6.8    Hope this helps.
Wanda you can set the default fonts for LO documents using
TOOLS>OPTIONS>LibreOffice Writer>Basic Fonts (Western). You can select
any installed Western font as the default font.

If you are pasting from the another document which has its own font,
etc. try using EDIT>PASTE SPECIAL and select unformatted text. LO will
use the document default for the text formatting. When you use the
normal PASTE LO assumes the formatting of the text to be pasted should
override the document defaults.

We like to know version and OS for reference and in case the issue is
specific to a version or OS; normally the issues are not.

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Jay Lozier <> wrote:


On 05/25/2012 04:36 PM, Wanda Moore wrote:
I write simple documents all the time, but my preferences don't seem to
matter to LO.  I choose a font, but it changes on me.  I cut or copy and
paste, and the font changes, even though I copy the exact same thing.
Times New Roman seems to be the dictator here.  And the size always
changes.  Lines will suddenly become a 24 pt rather than 11 that I
What paste method are you using?
The spaces between lines and paragraphs will change, and I can't change
them back.  Most of the time I can't even use the backspace to move a
up to the last line.  And I can't move the first word (indent it).  If I
click on a word that starts in the wrong place, there are no little
triangles up in the top ruler, so I can't move the line or paragraph.
There are other things, too, but if you can help with this, maybe all
be fixed.
You may want to modify the styles used and update the default template
I understand that I may have done something unawares, so I thank you

Wanda Moore

Just for reference please advise the LO version and your OS.

Jay Lozier

Jay Lozier

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