FYI thanks to Tom Davies' e-mailed suggestions (I thought we were still
conversing on the public mailing list):
1. Uninstalling Java did not fix the problem. Installing u32 did not
help which is not a surprise.
2. Portable LibreOffice v3.4.5 and v3.5.2 without installed LO did
crashed too. HOWEVER, portable v3.3.4 worked. I believe this is close to
OpenOffice v3.3.0 I had installed and working before I tried LO. Were
there major changes after v3.3.(0/4) or something for LO?
3. I reported my issue to as a bug at ...
Hopefully, someone (a developer) else can help. :(
On Thu, May 03, 2012 at 07:30:22PM -0700, Ant wrote:
Yep, now if I could get my own LO to run on this old Windows XP Pro. SP3
box!! I see Java released a new JRE version. I will try that! But I am
going to uninstall old one and see if LO even run without Java. ;)
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] libreoffice 3.5.3 (continued)
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