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     Sorry to disappoint you, but OOo now AOO does not have gradients
in Calc cells either. LO and AOO offer the same choices for a cell


On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 16:30 +0100, wrote:

thank you all for replys!!
but i wanted own that gradient in cell CALC.. so for libreoffice has not feature gradient for 
cell libreoffice calc right? but future will be on it?
for now  i need gradient in cell not texture or image ok? now i go to use office for gradient in 

but let me know if new feature gradient for cell in libreoffice ok? thank you

 Da: Dan Lewis <>
Inviato: Giovedì 26 Aprile 2012 17:26
Oggetto: Re: [libreoffice-users] How i add gradient background in cell of libreoffice calc?

--- On Thu, 26/4/12, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] How i add gradient background in cell of libreoffice calc?
To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, 26 April, 2012, 15:11


i'm look for add gradient in background of a cell for libreoffice calc?

office excel there is gradient for cell ... i hate office microsoft!! i love crazy 
libreoffice!!! but i miss this gradient for cell libreoffice calc...

i wait your reply.. thank you
 go open source!

On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 15:15 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I couldn't find how to add effects rather than a single background
colour.  There probably is a way so if you really need it then perhaps
documentation might be able to help?  Perhaps Chapter 5?

Apols and regards from
Tom :)

     Normally, gradient background is a part of the background choices
for Writer and Impress, but it is not with Calc. The only thing
available is background colors.
     The cell styles does have a tab named Font Effects. You might get
something you could use from there, but it won't be gradients.
     I don't know how much you know about styles. They are very useful
when using LO. The F11 key will open the Styles and Formating window.
When you open this window in Calc, the Cell styles are listed in this
window. The Calc guide should have information about how to use styles
in it.


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