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Thanks for your reply. My answers to your questions are below.

1) What version of LO are you using? (3.4.6, perhaps 3.51) 3.4.6 is a better version for business 
A: We are currently using LibreOffice 3.4.3 - OOO340m1 (Build:302). I am trying to get my sysadmin 
to update to a more current version. I will shoot for 3.4.6

2) What operating system are you using? 
A: Running on Windows Server Enterprise, SP2.

3) Have you tried to save a document as a template? Templates as I understand them are not .odt 
files. They are .ott files when created by Writer as text templates.
A: My understanding is document templates have nothing to do with JODReport templates. Correct me 
if I'm wrong, but I believe .ott files would be used as a base when creating a new .odt file. I 
used the term template in a more generic sense, in that the layout of the page provided by Writer, 
together with the FreeMarker codes, form a template for generating a final PDF file by JODReports. 
JODReports uses a specific naming convention for searching for the right file to use. You specify a 
prefix, like "wo_print", and a suffix indicating the output format, such as "wo_print.pdf", and JOD 
will search for "wo_print -template.odt" as the template, and it will generate a PDF named 

Thanks for your thoughts. Any others are much appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Lewis [] 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Writer is erasing JOOScripts on save

On Mon, 2012-03-26 at 18:31 -0400, John Valance wrote:
I am using LibreOffice Writer to format templates for use with JODReports.
These templates are used to generate work order forms for a Natural 
Gas Utility, merging database content from a DB2 database. This is a 
great, low cost solution for report generation. However, I'm am having 
a major problem with what appears to be a bug in Writer, which is 
causing all of my embedded scripts to be erased when I save my 
templates. This is an intermittent problem - it doesn't happen on 
every save. But when it does, I lose all my embedded fields (more than 
two dozen of them!), and I have to revisit each field and re-enter the 
scripting code which indicates the field name to merge from the data 
source. This is extremely frustrating and costly in terms of redoing 
work and not being able to change formatting in the templates. If we 
don't find a solution we will have to abandon LibreOffice and hope that OpenOffice or MS Word are 
more stable solutions.

The method for inserting a merge field is: Insert / Fields / Other. 
Ctrl+F2), select Functions tab, then click Input Field, then click OK. 
"Reference", enter 'JOOScript', then click Insert. A dialog box 
appears, where you enter the FreeMarker expression that refers to the 
data field to merge, in a format like: ${field-name}. This is described here:

This will insert into the content.xml (within the zipped .odt file) a 
tag like this:


The problem I'm having is, when I save my odt file, Writer is erasing 
all of the FreeMarker expressions which are the content of these text-input tags.
So what you would see in content.xml after this happens, is text-input 
tags with no content, like this:

<text:text-input text:description="jooscript"></text:text-input>

Anyone else have a similar problem, or know of a solution? Any help is 
much appreciated.

Many thanks,

John Valance

JValance Consulting


Three questions to begin with:
1) What version of LO are you using? (3.4.6, perhaps 3.51) 3.4.6 is a better version for business 
2) What operating system are you using? 
3) Have you tried to save a document as a template? Templates as I understand them are not .odt 
files. They are .ott files when created by Writer as text templates.


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