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Hi :)
So Base can't update Accesses internal tables?
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Wed, 14/3/12, drew jensen <> wrote:

From: drew jensen <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Chapter 2 of Base Guide progress
Date: Wednesday, 14 March, 2012, 12:27

On Wed, 2012-03-14 at 11:59 +0000, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Ok, so when migrating from Access to Base would it be best to first export the Access tables into 
a different database program and then get Access to read those tables?  

No. I referred to situations where Base is updating ms-jet or accdb (MS
Access data engines) directly. 

Would that mean re-writing Access's Reports and Forms that are based on the tables?
Regards from

Correct - there is no way to re-use any of those.

Tom :)

--- On Wed, 14/3/12, drew jensen <> wrote:

From: drew jensen <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Chapter 2 of Base Guide progress
Date: Wednesday, 14 March, 2012, 2:18

On Tue, 2012-03-13 at 09:16 -0300, Lailah wrote:
             I agree with you but I can't see what is the of mentioning Access. I mean, we know 
that Access works in an specific way and Base work in others, but I don't we have to mention it 
in the documentation.
I think that saying  is a replacement for others database front-ends is enough.  No need of 
mentioning any other name.  And no need of saying that is ugly and that other is pretty.
We only have to describe our application, that's all.
What do is important is to say is  "this is better because..."  and describe why is flexible, 
easy to use, etc.

Well, the ability to work with MS Access is a highly important question and one that if you are 
being truthful is not really possible with Base.

You can connect to an Access Database as a data source, but you are not able to make much if any 
use of major parts of the data (beyond the tables) held in the MS Access file.

There are also a number of very difficult situations with MS Access that are commonly the 
downfall of attempting actual interoperability.

Some of the things that the manual should point out, IMO, queries will be viewed in Base as 
either tables or views - this means that users are often befuddled as to why some Access table 
will not take updates - cause they aren't tables, kids.

Queries in MS Access support features for which there are NO equivalents in Base, without 
resorting to scripting.

Forms in MS Access support features for which there are NO equivalents in Base, and you likely 
would need C++ code to duplicate those, forget the scripting.

The same can be said for reports.

MS Access supports the ability to connect to multiple data sources,
another 'feature' for which there is NO equivalent in Base or LibreOffice for that matter. (Two 
data sources on a stand alone form are not the same thing)

[However, this actually does have a work around - you simply must use a DB backend that can do 
this instead]

Anyway - I would, if I where actually doing this and so I it's my call,
include some information about the issue with queries being picked up as 'views' as this bites a 
lot of people..beyond that, it's likely FAQ type stuff, IMO.

Best wishes


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