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For the reported difficulty, replacing CELL("CONTENTS";ref) by =ref is a preferable solution.

A bit more about CELL and how it should work, however.

The full description for CELL is in section 6.13.3 of the OASIS ODF Standard Version 1.2, Part 2: 
Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format. This and the other parts of ODF 1.2 can be found at 
<>.  Note that there are 13 different information types 
that can be specified for the referenced cell, including CONTENTS.  Also, a CELL("CONTENTS"; ref) 
returns the content but not any formatting. 

CELL is not required to be supported by any level of conformant OpenDocument Formula Evaluator, 
however.  If it is supported, the reference should work.  It might make a difference if the 
reference is given in complete reference notation.  E.g., 


I haven't tested this.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: csanyipal [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 11:16
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: CELL() doesn't show the cell content of another CALC file

Andreas Säger wrote

Am 10.03.2012 19:59, csanyipal wrote:

Andreas Säger wrote

The CELL function is there for some historic reasons. Very old documents
from other applications may use it. Except for the "filename" option
there is no use for it in Calc.
So which function can be used instead of CELL function?

=CELL("content";A1) returns the exact same value as =A1 does.
Thank you very much for help! 

Best Regards from
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