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El 09/03/12 22:07, Tom Davies escribió:
Hi :)
This link might help you post a bug-report about it
or this one might be easier

Thanks for testing it. :)
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Fri, 9/3/12, Sergio Cocci<>  wrote:

From: Sergio Cocci<>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Writer too slow to be usable- part 2.
To: "Lista "Users" Libre Office"<>
Date: Friday, 9 March, 2012, 21:03

_*I saw Tom Davies info about ver. 3.5.1; so I downloaded the RC 2 of it and tested its speed. The problem 
has not yet been fixed - Please, may who has this part in charge take a look at it comparing, if possible, 
the "Suse/Intel" corresponding, but faster code?

Sergio Cocci
-----------------------------------------------------------------------*  My previous message 

When I take a text from Internet (a manual,a user guide, etc.) I like to get it nicely formatted 
before reading it (yes, I am quite *pernickety)*, so I usually maka these settings(I will translate 
the italian menu options, so they may not correspond exactly to the English ones):

Format ->  Paragraph ->  "Paragraph" tab      ->     First line            = 0,5 cm
                                                                        After paragraph = 0.2 cm

                                     "Alignment" tab     ->:  Justified

Often the  end of paragraph is marked only by char. 0x0A (LF), instead of the pair 0x0D0A (CR-LF); 
this makes also the last paragraph line to get right justified, even when it is only made by two 
words, that are placed one leftside and the other rightside.

With the previous versions I fixed these last lines while reading the text, but the LO 3.5, with 
texts of 10 - 15 pages takes a huge time to accomplish these steps

1. get the "End" key;
2. jump to EOL;
3. get the "ENTER" key;
4. left alignment;
5. skip to new line - CR-LF;
6. get the "Del" key;
7. deletion of the old mew line - LF.

I think steps 5 and 7 make the full following text to be managed - even if out of screen, since as 
nearer ve are to the EOT, as shorter are times.

I uninstalled the standard edition and installed *the Suse/Intel version* to try it. *Result: IT 

Sergio Cocci
Reggello (Florence, Italy)

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