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On Thu, 2012-02-16 at 11:32 -0500, Calvin Kim wrote:

On 02/15/2012 09:00 AM, Ethan Swint wrote:

On 2/14/2012 8:18 PM, Calvin Kim wrote:
On 02/14/2012 12:00 PM, Ethan Swint wrote:
I've been frustrated with my experience trying to anchor frames 
(containing figures and captions). What I'd really like to do is 
anchor a frame to a character (which refers to the frame's 
contents), but not force a large white space on the page if the 
anchor character and the frame don't fit on the same page.  In other 
A) Obtain the reference character's Y coordinates, Cy
B) Obtain the frame's Y dimension, Fy
C) Obtain the text area's Y dimension, Py
C) If Py- Fy > Cy, place frame at bottom of character's page
D) else, place frame at top of page following character's page

Is this possible with LO Writer? What I've been forced to do at this 
point is to anchor the frame to the page, then move all of the 
frames in the document when my edits move text.


If you anchor an object to a character, your object will be treated 
as a character. That's why there are large white space on the line of 
your object due to its height.
Instead, anchor it to a paragraph. Then you have freedom to move your 
object around.
From my experience, what you're describing is anchoring 'as' a 
character; I'm anchoring 'to' a character, as anchoring 'to' a 
paragraph isn't specific enough for my document. The problem comes 
when the page break falls such that a full page would require the 
character to be on one page and the frame to be on the next.

I've looked, but I haven't uncovered a mechanism in LO Writer to deal 
with this situation satisfactorily.


I see what you are trying to do. I had similar cases few times, and each 
case, I have to adjusted it manually. But if there are many graphics and 
many updates of contents, it will be time consuming.

I don't think LO offers anchor "to" a character.
'Anchor to paragraph' is like anchor to first character of paragraph.
Maybe you can request new/modified feature to development team to anchor 
"to" character, or anchor to paragraph but you can anchor it anywhere in 


     LO allows you to anchor a graphic to page, to paragraph, to
character, and as character. And if the graphic has be inserted into a
frame, you can also anchor the graphic to frame. This is true for 3.4.5
and 3.5.0.
     One thing I discovered when testing this: when the graphic was
anchored to a character, the graphic could be moved around just as it
can be moved when anchored to a paragraph. That means for a paragraph
with a graphic at the bottom of the page, the graphic can be placed
above the paragraph, below it, or in the middle of it. This might be
what you are seeking.


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