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--- On Thu, 16/2/12, MariaDB Announce List <> wrote:

From: MariaDB Announce List <>
Subject: [MariaDB Announce] MariaDB 5.3.4-rc now available
Date: Thursday, 16 February, 2012, 5:59

The MariaDB project would like to announce the availability of MariaDB
5.3.4-rc, the latest addition to our growing lineup of supported
software. MariaDB 5.3.4-rc is the second Release Candidate release in
the 5.3 series. We hope to follow it up soon with a stable (GA)
5.3 release.

== MariaDB 5.3.4-rc Release Notes, Changelog, Downloads ===============

The release notes for MariaDB 5.3.4-rc are available from:

A complete changelog for this beta is available from: 

Sources, binaries and packages can be downloaded from: 

  Debian and Ubuntu packages are available from our mirrored apt
  repositories. A sources.list generator can be found at:

== About MariaDB 5.3 ==================================================

The MariaDB 5.3 series introduces many new features, includes MariaDB
5.2, and is based on MariaDB 5.1 & MySQL 5.1. Some highlights of new
features in MariaDB 5.3 include:

- subquery optimizations that finally make subqueries usable
- many optimizer changes, including Classic Hash Join, Batched Key
  Access, a new implementation of Multi-Range-Read optimizations as
  well as Index Condition Pushdown
- NoSQL-style interfaces via the HandlerSocket plugin as well as
  dynamic columns
- group commit in XtraDB when the binary log is enabled
- Microsoft Windows performance improvements

These are just some of the highlights, and for a more complete list of
changes, please read the What is MariaDB 5.3 page:

== User Feedback plugin ===============================================

MariaDB 5.3 includes a User Feedback plugin. This plugin is disabled by
default. If enabled, it submits basic, completely anonymous MariaDB
usage information. This information is used by the developers to track
trends in MariaDB usage to better guide development efforts.

If you would like to help make MariaDB better, please add to your my.cnf file! On Windows, add
"feedback=ON" to your my.ini file, or click the checkbox during the
installation of the MSI package.

See for more information.

== MariaDB Crash Course book ==========================================

We would also like to mention the book "MariaDB Crash Course", by Ben
Forta. This book -- for beginner to intermediate level users -- will
get you up and running with MariaDB, even if you've never used a
database before. More information is available at:

== Quality ============================================================

The project always strives for quality, but in reality, nothing is
perfect. Please take time to report any issues you encounter at:

We hope you enjoy MariaDB 5.3.4-rc!

Daniel Bartholomew
MariaDB -
Monty Program -
AskMonty Knowledgebase -

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