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On 02/05/2012 05:23 PM, Charles Bierwirth wrote:

I'm running Libreoffice 3.4.5 on OSX Lion 10.7.2. Recently, I had to forcefully restart my computer. Since 
then, every time I open Libreoffice the "Restore Windows" dialogue pops up. (see attached 
screenshot). No matter which button I click, no matter how many times I click it, it won't go away. I can 
still use the program, but I can't save anything. A lot of the keyboard commands don't work too well either. 
I tried reinstalling the program but I still have the same issues. I hope this is a problem that can be 
easily fixed. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I have currently switched back to OpenOffice 
so that i can continue to write my lab write-ups and do other homework that I need to get done.

Thank you for your time,

Charles Bierwirth

A common method that often works is to rename the LO .libreoffice folder to say .oldlibreoffice and restart. Normally LO will regenerate the folder and you can copy your templates etc. back to the noew folder.

Jay Lozier

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