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On Tue, 2012-01-31 at 10:03 +0000, Harold Fuchs wrote:
"Johannes Sixt" <> wrote in message
I have custom document template, and from this template a handful
software manuals were authored. Styles were used extensively. Now it's
time to modernize the look of the manuals, but we don't want to repeat
the style changes in all manuals. (That's what styles are for, aren't 

With MS Word (2000), the .doc files recorded the template. Styles can be
marked so that when they were changed while editing one of the .doc
files, that style changes were propagated to the template. Later, when
one of the other .doc files was opened, it copied all styles from the
template (automatically), which effectivly updates the other file as well.

What is the workflow with LibreOffice to propagate style changes between
.doc files created from the same template? I looked at the documentation
and help pages around the template manager, but found only means to copy
styles manually. Is there something that works more automated?

-- Hannes

Did you ever get a reply to this? If so, would you please point me at it - I 
never saw it in the list.

Harold Fuchs
London, England 
     I have been trying to understand what you want to do nor what you
have done. Is the custom template created using LO? (Then it's extension
is .ott.) This template was used to create a handful of software
manuals. So now you want to change the template and with it change only
some of the software manuals? Are you going to make any changes in the
the rest of the software manuals?
     Sounds like you want to use the present template for some of the
manuals and create a second template for the rest of the manuals. Is
this what you want to do? If so, it can be done. OOo has an extension
called Template Changer that also works with LO. This allows you to
change a document's template and thus the styles the document uses. It
is still done one document at a time however.


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