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On 22-01-12 09:48, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
On 22/01/12 02:04, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

> ...and next time you might want to use dpkg -iR ..../DEBS from the
immediately superior directory to the DEBS one. From direct experience
I know it installs LO correctly with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and my
personal preference, Lubuntu. ;-)

Peter HB

I never used the "-iR"
It is not listed that way in the Linux install documentation, or it did
not the last time I copied the instructions from LO's site.
"info dpkg" was my source. I always like to know how tools work before
following READMEs. ;-)

Peter HB

Well, everybody thanks for all the advice.
Tom, I only ventilated my mindlessness to question the list before thinking.
Gerry, as dpkg -iR is a correct option and if you would make it safer, you can uses --recursive but in my opinion dpkg -ir does nothing as it is an impossible combination (but I haven't tried!). Peter, yes, man and/or info is always your friend (and too often forgotten).Many questions wouldn't be asked on this list if this was a golden rule in everybody's mind.

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