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On 12/20/2011 08:27 PM, James Knott wrote:
nvrk wrote:
The number displayed in a Calc cell is limited in decimal places by the
formatting preference.  Set the number format for the cells to show more
decimal places and see the results.

In your case the sum calculation is based on the actual multiplication
result in the individual cells to a large number of decimal places, and
then the displayed sum shortened to show the decimal places set by the
formatting preference.

The (sum of the original entries) multiplied by (1,22) displayed to two
decimal places is not likely to display exactly the same as the sum of
(individual entries) multiplied by (the same multiplier).

That pretty well SUMs it up.  ;-)


There is a setting for calc where you can have the total as shown and not as calculated:


Go to tools, options, calc, calculate, and check the box "Precision as Shown"




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