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Hi Konstantinos,

Konstantinos Tzoannopoulos wrote (16-12-11 16:29)
Hey everyone, I need to ask a real quick question and I have no time to
wade through the manual:

How do I make an appendix that will show up in the table of contents?

So you ask a lot :-)

- Create separate style(s) for the heading(s) in the apendix(ces)
  - base them on Default
  - make sure they look as the styles used for the normal headings
- You get numbering with the proper setting for Numbering on the Outline and Numbering tab of the style – link that to a list style with the right properties (which you can of course tweak) - For the second level header, a tab is given in the beginning of the paragraph

(see the enclosed document in the CC-mail)

Please do NOT tell me "look it up in the manual", I have very little time
on my hands to do it.

You're welcome to help on our great bug hunting sessions for the upcoming 3.5.0 release :-)


 - Cor

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